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A member registered Sep 17, 2017

Recent community posts

Does it have controller (gamepad) support? Where's the 4k support?

(1 edit)

I like the 2 different perspectives, the combat, and just the idea and the novelty of the game. Thank you for providing controller support, it's appreciated!

It's also a great demo, gives you a good feel for the game, and whether or not you'd want to purchase it, and keeping the demo patched as you update the game itself is very nice. Good work.

I enjoyed it a lot, though I spent a embarrassingly long time retracing each room looking for what i missed. The thing where each hole went somewhere different took a while to figure out, and i found where to use the lockpick by accident. 

I hope that's vague enough to be a hint but not a spoiler...

If I were to put forward a couple minor suggestions, I'd use a boxier surveillance cameras and florescent light fixtures from the 70s or 80s to go with the outdated feel.

Thanks for the great game, being part of the demo disc (can't wait for a new one!)